Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cheryl Fischer-Vodry

Country Harvest Greenhouse features Cheryl's Natural Nature Photography, glass-fused jewelry and her "Small Town" CD.

ABOUT CHERYL: Cheryl was raised on a small family farm in Caledonia, where she spent most of her days discovering the wonders of nature. In 2007, after her job went overseas, she set off to rediscover her familiar childhood haunts.

Armed with a small pocket camera and lots of time, every morning she would look deep into nature and find things she had never really seen before.

All of Cheryl's photographs are straight-out-of camera and have not been Photoshopped.

ABOUT "SMALL TOWN": Cheryl is a singer and songwriter and she produced her "Small Town" CD. The title song is about Caledonia and it's changes over the past 25 years. She recently performed her music at the Middleville Riverside Music Series.

"Not all who wander are lost." ~ Tolkien